December of Generosity: Filling Empty Chairs with Hope and Love

‘Tis the season of giving, and as we step into the month of December, let's embark on a journey of generosity that transcends the festive lights and decorations. This year, we are dedicating December to a cause that truly matters-Fighting against Black maternal mortality. Welcome to the “December of Generosity,” a month-long initiative by DSMAP to raise awareness and support for a crucial mission.

Imagine a holiday season without the laughter and warmth of a mother's presence, an empty chair serving as a painful reminder of the void left by maternal mortality. As we move forward from Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday let us continue to unite to fill those empty chairs with hope, love, and a commitment to change.

How Can You Make a Difference?

1.     Donate with purpose: Your generosity can make a significant impact. Visit Dr. Shalon’s Maternal Action Project to make a donation and be a part of the movement towards improved Black maternal health.

2.     Spread the Word: Share our mission on social media to encourage family and friends to contribute to the cause and raise awareness about the Black maternal health crisis.    

3.     Host a Giving Gathering: Transform your holiday celebration into a giving gathering. Encourage guests to contribute to the cause turning your festivities into an opportunity to make a meaningful difference.


Why December?

The holiday season embodies the spirit of compassion and unity. By aligning our cause with the festive month of December, we aim to harness the power of collective goodwill. Let's ensure that every family has a complete and joyful celebration, free from the pain of an empty chair.


Honoring Shalon's Legacy: A Holiday Call to Support


Giving Tuesday is TOMORROW (Nov. 28): Don’t Forget to Make an Impact