Dr. Shalon's Maternal Action Project introduces:

Grandmothers Rallying Against Maternal Mortality & Morbidity Strong! (GRAMMS)

Dr. Shalon's Maternal Action Project confronts the stark reality of maternal mortality among Black women in the United States.

It's an unacceptable truth that Black women face significantly higher rates of death related to childbirth compared to other racial or ethnic groups. Many of these deaths are preventable with proper medical care, yet systemic issues persist, leading to unnecessary loss.

Have You Experienced the Tragic Loss of Your Daughter During Childbirth?

We understand that profound grief and heartache accompany the loss of a loved one, especially during what should be a joyous time.

If you are a grandmother who has tragically lost your daughter during her pregnancy or childbirth, we want to hear from you.

We believe in the power of grandmothers coming together to heal, act, and make Meaningful Change.

If you have experienced this tragedy, we invite you to join GRAMMS: Grandmothers Rallying Against Maternal Mortality & Morbidity Strong!

As a GRAMMS participant, you will receive emotional support, resource access, and training.

Together, we can raise awareness, advocate for policy reform, and support families affected by these tragedies.

Participation is:


Join GRAMMS. Lend your voice to change outcomes for Black birthing people.

Turn your tragedy into advocacy.

Join our mission to combat maternal mortality and morbidity.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure Black women receive the care and support they deserve during this transformative time.

 Joining Is easy. Take a few moments to complete this survey.

Please note: Your responses to the survey questions are completely confidential and will be solely utilized to inform our GRAMMS programming.

We appreciate your willingness to share your experience and join us in the fight against maternal mortality and morbidity.

Once we receive and review your survey responses, we'll be in touch via email, so please ensure you provide accurate contact information.