Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Awardee

Wanda Irving was named as an honoree in the 2023 Women of Vision Awards, which celebrates “feminist changemakers” and “powerhouse grassroots leaders.”

“We are thrilled to announce this year’s honorees for the Women of Vision Awards and to celebrate 50 years of progress and power,” said Teresa C. Younger, President and CEO of the Ms. Foundation in a statement. She described the winners as “incredible leaders" and said, "We are grateful to be able to shine a light on their many accomplishments and tireless work on behalf of gender and racial equity across the country and the world.” This year’s awards will be held at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City on May 16 and mark the 50th anniversary of the Ms. Foundation. This year the title is Women of Vision Awards: Celebrating Generations of Progress & Power.


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